
November 18, 2011

first bite of freedom !

taken at secret recipe during lunch time today ;)

FINALLY ! a month ago, i was looking forward to this day ! and within the blink of an eye, it's finally here.

Had my final paper this morning. YES ! My A Level life have officially ended as off today !

1 1/2 years isn't really that long, but i had a good run.

Met new friends, had a feel of what college life was like, and undergo a hell lota stress in the process.

oh yeah, slept for barely 3 hours too last night.

But i guess it's all worth it !

Can't wait to enjoy my holidays !

And i finally got to learn the choreo to that song i wanted to dance to for soooo long.

absolutely love the choreo but i haven't really gotten the hang of it yet. will definitely practice more once i get back from my trip!

oh yeah, forgot to mention that i'm going on a trip next week!

part of my birthday plans and to catch 2PM live in MALAYSIA !

yeah will definitely blog bout that !

anyways, i hardly have any energy left in me so guess thats all. GTG !

November 14, 2011

slacker !

sei yeh ! i have NO idea why i'm totally not in the mood to study.
the last paper is on friday. i mean study my ass off for the last time, whats so hard right?

But my brain just won't tune into focus mode. i ended spending the day sleeping after having lunch with mommy.

after that when i woke up it was already dinner time so i had dinner.

i took out the books i 'planned' to study and actually did read through some notes... before i turned on my lappie and started sufring the net again. Damn.

anyways, i need to get back to studying, yes, actually getting some past year papers done so yeah, GTG.

surfing the web before i eventually decided to take a nap.

November 10, 2011

new changes !

okay ! so i'm updating my blog skin at 2+ in the morning !
i know, sounds crazy right?
guess i've literally gone insane.
anyways, should probably head to bed now. only a couple more hours till the sun rises.
night peeps.
i like my new blog skin btw, do you? :) ♡

♥ what i cant live without