
February 20, 2012

My Val's Day.❤❤❤

So how was everyone's Valentine's day? Fun? Romantic? Or was it foreveralone day for some of you out there?

Anyways, mine was aweosme. =D 

So this year boyfie and i decided to celebrate Valentine's day a little earlier since i have work on Val's day.

We celebrated it on 11th instead since i had my rest day on that day.

I went down to KL on the 10th and boyfie fetched me from KL Sentral after having dinner at McDonalds.
I was having one of my tantrums that evening cause boyfie arrived a little late cause he got lost (yeah, lost).

Initially i planned to crash at my sister's place that night but because i was so freaking exhausted after taking the cable car and the bus all the way from Genting, i changed my plans at slept over at boyfie's place instead.

I got hungry in the middle of the night that night and made boyfie cook noodles for me. I could see that he was just as tired as i was but he still got up and cooked for me ! Yay ! Score one for the boyfie! Haha. 

After showering and unpacking some stuff, we went to bed. Oh and boyfie hugged me to sleep! Not to mention that boyfie's bed was comfier that i thought! =D

I woke up the next morning to find the sweetest thing EVER!

Initially i had set my alarm to be at 9am since i wanted to be up early to get ready for our early Val's date but boyfie sneakily logged into my phone and changed the alarm to 10+am cause he wanted me to get more sleep cause he was worried that i'd be tired. Awwww ! 

When i woke up boyfie wasn't there beside me anymore . =(

So i have this habit of checking my phone the first thing i wake up in the morning, so i grabbed my phone off the table and saw this note stuck to my phone. 

It had boyfie's handwriting on it and it said, "Good morning Lou Po."
It put a smile on my silly face. =)

After that i got out of bed and when i came out of the room there was another note stuck on the door, this one said , "I made breakfast for you Lou Po.."

I went over to the kitchen table and saw the breakfast boyfie had prepared for me laid out nicely on the table ! With another note stuck onto the table.

I took a picture of this one:

Boyfie's handwriting looks cute.

I was so shocked and surprised i just stood there in aw. Boyfie had gone through so much trouble just to make me breakfast. He probably had to get up so early just to get all this done, all the while i was sound asleep! 

Here are some photos of the yummy meal boyfie made me.

What else can i say? It was yummy ! 

I was about to dig in when boyfie came back! He told me that he knew how much i missed home and so he made me a cup of nestum cause he knew how my mom always made me nestum in the morning.

I was so touched that he even remembers little details like this ! I mean, how many guys could?

He sat down and watched as i ate greedily the meal he made me. Haha, how barbaric of me.

I chased boyfie away and asked him to bath and get dressed cause i didn't want us to be late for our val's date. Hehe.

After both of us got dressed up, we headed over to Sunway Pyramid. Initially our plan was to catch a movie at the Beanie Plex but the only movies they were showing for the Beanie Plex that day were Underworld and Haywire, one of which i had already seen and the other (Haywire) my sister had told me not to watch since it sucked.

Again, change of plans.We decided to watch "Man On A Ledge" which was showing in the ordinary halls, but i was okay with it. Boyfie was actually worried that i'd be upset but i wasn't cause i was just happy i'd get to spend the day with the guy i love.

After buying the movie tickets, we headed to Sushi King. Boyfie ordered the usual plates of sushi he liked while i ordered Vanilla Smoothie cause i wasn't hungry.

I watched boyfie munch on his favorite sushi as i slurped on my vanilla smoothie. It was yummy by the way, haha.

After that we walked around a bit and then it was time for our movie. I started craving for potato balls and pestered boyfie to buy me potato balls from Ireland's Potato. Hehe.

Boyfie bumped into one of his friends and then we went for our movie.

During the movie, i leaned in on boyfie's shoulders and kinda fell alseep for a couple of minutes. Oh gosh, it was too comfy ! I got kinda cold cause i didn't bring along my hoodie that day but thankfully boyfie was there to give me free warm hugs ! 

After our movie ended, i wanted to walk around a little longer but boyfie already made reservations at a restaurant and so we had to leave.

I was pretty curious about how the restaurant would be like so i was kinda excited. We took a taxi and we arrived at a place where i wasn't familiar with. 

The restaurant was on the first floor so we had to walk up a flight of stairs, as we entered the entrance at the top of the stairs, i find the restaurant to be a pretty cozy place.

It was pretty quiet with soft music playing in the background. We sat at a table near the corner of the restaurant and the "lao ban niang" came to take our orders.

Boyfie's vegetarian so we ordered vege fried rice. It was a simple dish but it was yummy! Okay okay, i know i kinda over-used the word "yummy" in this post so please bear with me!

After we were done with our meal, boyfie and i just sat around and talked. I told boyfie bout my work, and how tiring it was, and the kind of customers i met.

At one point, boyfie got up from his seat and excused himself. I saw him walk to a room and talked to the "lao ban niang" of the restaurant. He merely disappeared for a second before reappearing with a bouquet of flowers in his hand!

My first reaction? OMG ! My hands flew up and covered my face cause it was burning red.


He walked over to me and gave me the bouquet flowers, i took it gingerly cause it was so pretty !

Someone turned on the music a little louder cause it was playing some love song. After that the "lao ban niang" came over and help to take a photo of us, how nice of her. =D

At that time i was still pretty much in shock so i looked kinda ugly, but at least boyfie looks good though! =)

After that we bid goodbye to the "lao ban niang" and headed off. It was pretty hard to catch a cab around that area and so we walked.

I didn't mind and actually thought it was kinda sweet cause i got to hold hands with boyfie while walking along with the bouquet of roses in my other hand.

As we walked pass coffee shops, occasionally people would look over at us or even stare at me cause it wasn't even Valentine's day yet and i already was carrying a bouquet of flowers with me. Haha, i'd admit that it looked pretty weird but i didn't care cause i loved the roses!

We headed back to boyfie's condo and freshen up abit before heading over to the mall nearby.

That night, we met up with my sister and her boyfie and ended up having yamcha session at In House Cafe.

All in all, even though it was an early Valentine's celebration, it was the best i've had and i've never regretted one single moment of it.

I love my boyfie loads and that's never gonna change.

I count myself lucky to have him. 

That's all for now, hope you guys had a great Val's day too! =)

♥ what i cant live without