
December 17, 2012

Study Break - Day #1

So, I finally get 2 weeks worth of holidays and they're not even really holidays cox it's actually a 2-week study break. BUMMER.

Well, today's officially the first day of my study break and guess what, I DIDN'T GET ANY STUDYING DONE AT ALL. Surprise surprise.

Anyways, since I have some spare time up my sleeves I'll just briefly blog about a bunch of boring stuffs I did today since I haven't updated my blog in ages and it's kinda dead already, so yeah, I shall not let it die!!

So, I woke up at 8 this morning. YES. E-I-G-H-T sharp. Bet you guys are wondering why the heck would someone wake up THAT early on the first day of school break. Well, I had to get my lab report done and hand it in today before 5 pm and since I was planning to head out, I had no other choice. Hence, I had to sacrifice my beauty sleep.

Again, another bummer.

I finished the report bout an hour later and ended up spending my time checking out new songs online since, well, with all the school work and exams and everything, I officially feel like a caveman now who knows no new songs. Damn it.

As usual, I lost track of time and ended up getting ready later than planned. After I got everything done, dolled up and stuff, I met up with egg ( in case you guys are wondering, egg, isn't an actual egg, she's actually a really good friend of mine, so yeah, clarified!) and headed to mid valley with my sister.

The three of us girls were starving like crazy so we headed to Paddington's House of Pancakes for our scrumptious lunch!

Fruit punch for all three of us!

My grilled dory fish with pancakes, mashed potatoes and cream sauce. Yums!

Egg's dish. Couldn't remember what it's called actually.

My sister Jane's dish. Again, can't recall what it's called.
But I know that it's damn huge!

 Time to dig in!

Some selcas taken while waiting for our meals!

With egg!

With Jane!


After lunch and feeling like we've just eaten an entire elephant, we headed over to The Gardens Mall and ended up having karaoke session at Redbox.

There was buffet so we just randomly (actually my sister Jane took most of the food for us) grab small portions of food since we were still feeling stuffed from all the pancakes.

Noticed how everyone seems to be aiming for the curry fish balls?

We sang so many songs (and felt awesome while singing them too, haha!), from english songs to chinese ones then back to english ones again.

Our session was supposed to last till 8 pm but we were too exhausted and our vocal chords were too strained to last that long so we left after 6.

On the way back to mid valley, my sister got attracted by the Christmas deco so she whipped out her phone to take a couple of shots.


Okay, it looks like a lump of white stuff but still, I had to take a picture of it since egg and Jane was doing so.

And before heading home, GROUP SHOT !!!

Oh yeah, almost forgot to blog about our trip to MPH bookstores before heading back home. Yes! We went book hunting!

I bought "The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer" by Michelle Hodkin.

Haven't sunk my teeth into horror books in a while. I'm definitely excited to start on it! Yes, guilty of being a nerd i am!

Anyways, guess that's all for now. Kinda exhausted from surviving on 4 hours of sleep for 3-4 days in a row. Time to get some beauty sleep! Night guys! 

♥ what i cant live without