
June 20, 2013

Sem break,

Just realized that my last blog post was last year. Which means that I haven't blogged for over 6 months, I know, I'm not an efficient blogger, and a fairly lazy one I might add. Okay, so here's an update.

I'm back in my hometown as of right now, and seriously HAPPY bout it. I feel like I haven't been back here for ages (though it's only been 3 months).

Am back here only for a month or so, how I wish sem breaks would be longer. How is it fair that one semester lasts for 3 months but the sem break after that is only a month long? 

Anyways, since it's so short, might as well enjoy each day as much as I can.

Life back in my hometown mostly revolves around 5 things : gym, TV, X-box, guitar, FOOD.

Okay, clearly, I'll have to emphasize on the last one seeing as to how much I love food (like everyone else).

Went out for breakfast this morning with le parents at a coffee shop near my place. And guess what I ordered? KOLO MEE!

Been craving for it almost every week when I was in KL.

For those of you who doesn't know what "Kolo Mee" is, it's a yummy bowl of local noodles found originally in Sarawak. AND, I repeat, it's NOT wanton mee. They're 2 freaking different things!

Ta-da! Le yummy bowl of kolo mee.

Okay, back to the other 4 things. X-box. Hmm, long story short, my dad bought me an X-box 360 after I completed high school and I've become a gamer addict ever since. Okay, maybe not an addict, but yes, I can spend hours in front of the X-box playing Left for Dead 2 with my sister.

So since I obviously didn't bring my X-box with me over to KL, cause it'll clearly be a distraction, I can only sink into my gamer girl mode when I'm back here.

Moving on, gym.
Another long story short, after I completed my A levels, there was no longer a need for the study room so my dad gladly converted it into a mini gym. So now, I can literally head to the gym, without actually, leaving the house. Ha-ha. 

And since I'm eating so much when I'm back here, with my mom constantly feeding me with all her home cooked food, I'll have to at least work out if I want to avoid gaining 1023234230 pounds when I get back to KL.

So, since I've been back here, I've been working out daily for at least an hour.

Le mini gym at home.
(Not much, but it's enough for me!)

2 days ago, I was rampaging through some of the stuff that I had laying around in my room and found my guitar. Without much thought I took it out of it's dusty bag, went online to search for some chords, and started playing it again, after, hmm, I can't even remember when was the last time I played the guitar.

And heck, my fingers HURT LIKE HELL after that. Result of not playing for so long. Hmm. 活该?

Last but not least, there's TV! Since I've no Astro on that crappy TV back in my condo in KL, TV back here is like heaven. I can sit in front of the TV all day long watching TV shows like Bones, Castle, The Voice, etc etc. Hmm, 'nuff said. 

Okay, time to end my blog post, been yapping too much already. Time to get back to my TV. (Couch potato mode ON)

*Peace out guys*

♥ what i cant live without