
September 7, 2010

Sem Break finally here!! (:

Yup, sem break's here.


Too bad it's only two weeks long though, boo hoo ):

Today's the second day and i haven't touched any assignments yet.

But who'd have the mood too?

It's sem break, we're supposed to have a break from classes and assignments?

Huh, guess i can't slack off forever though.
Better start making plans later.

But whenever i get in the mood to write a hella long list of "things to do",
i ended up throwing it aside after listing everything down.

Yeah, that's how horrible i am with "To Do Lists".

Anyway, i wanna make plans for movies tomorrow!

So many movies yet too little time, huh, it's heart breaking. >:/

All this talk bout Piranha makes me wanna watch it, but from what i hear, it ain't that good a movie.

Just a hell of blood, gore, and hot babes.

Uh, blood and gore i like, but.... hot babes?
i have no interest.

im a girl, and i'm straight afterall.LOL

Well, enough blabbering for now i guess,

wanna go catch some random programme on tv,
haven't been a potato couch too long a while! :D

peace out (:


♥ what i cant live without