
October 12, 2012

Up, Up, and Away.

Okay, am gonna blog about my trip to Genting last week with my family.

Just gonna post up whatever bit i can remember about it.

So after class last Friday evening, I rushed home, gathered my bags and headed over to Kl Sentral to meet up with my parents.
By the time I got there, it was 6-ish, but they hadn't arrived yet so I went to McD for dinner, ALONE. *Forever alone* :(

It was SO packed I was even lucky to get a table after I got my food.
Sat down, and waited for my sister to come over from work.

Oh yeah, I remember ordering the McNuggets meal that day and somehow the nuggets looked so golden that day. LOL WTH. Wonder if it was just me being too hungry?

After I was almost done with my meal, my sister came and grabbed some food too. I had to wait for her to finish eating, meanwhile, i took a few selcas.

 The grumpy face.

Who says I don't smile in pictures?

And yes, i noticed some people from the other tables staring at me while i was taking self shots. They must be wondering how vain a person i am. LOL Can't help it!

After what seemed like forever, my parents finally arrived and we took a cab straight up to Genting, (my dad knew the cabbie).

By the time we arrived in Genting, it was almost 10 at night. My sis and I waited for my parents to check in.

Yet again, there was nothing else to do so Selca time!

Reached Genting finally. *Happy kid*

Weird expression.

And YET AGAIN, i caught 2 aunties from the next rows of chairs staring at me and my sister while we were taking pictures. Haha. Is it really that weird for young people to take self shots of themselves?

After mom and dad had checked us in, we dropped our bags off in the hotel room, freshen up and headed out again. My parents headed straight for the casinos while my sister and I headed to Starbucks, since most of the shops were already closed by then.

We decided to go for the Starbucks at Highlands Hotel, since that one was less crowded. True enough, there weren't many tables taken. We sat at a corner table, which conveniently had 2 power switches, time to charge our gadgets!!

As usual, I ordered Chocolate Cream Chip with whip cream since I can't touch coffee and my sister got herself a hot signature chocolate.

Biscotti, Signature hot Chocolate & Chocolate cream chip.

 Sister pretending to munch on her biscotti.

Looking a little tired here. Taken by my sister.

 While we were chilling, my friend told me he was coming up to Genting, which was kinda surprising but i was happy.

A minute later, my sister told me her friend was coming up to Genting to accompany her too.

TOO hilarious. LOL

After both our friends came, we headed to McD for supper, (my sister's crazy idea!)

I didn't wanted to have anything at first, for obvious reasons (I didn't wanted to gain ANYMORE weight!)

But then being the persuasive person that she is, my sister manged to persuade me to get ice cream.

We chatted about all kinds of weird, funny things and I laughed a lot.

It was getting late and we had to make sure we reached the hotel room before my parents came back so we called it a night.

I woke up pretty early the next morning, which was a Saturday morning. Like who wakes up at 8-ish on Saturdays anyways?

So yeah, we had breakfast with my parents at the Hainanese restaurant. It was pretty packed that morning but thankfully we didn't have to wait long for our table cause i was STARVING!

I was looking forward to have their scrambled eggs stuffed with cheese since i tried that the last time i came and it was REALLY GOOD but sadly, they no longer had that dish in their menu so i had to order something else.

I ended up having the same thing as my sister, flavored bacon toast coated with egg and fries.

 Flavored bacon toast coated with egg and fries

 Iced lemon tea for me as usual.
Daddy's breakfast: Soft boiled eggs, paos, and coffee.

Sister advertising her food.

And this is me, about to dig into my food.

It was pretty good, I kinda like the way they did the toast.

After breakfast, we split up from our parents again. They headed for the casinos while this time we headed to the outdoor theme park.

The queue for the tickets was pretty long, but we got our tickets in the end.

It wasn't very cold that day but a tad chilly.

We headed for the Spinner the first thing we got into the theme park! (Still one of my favorite rides)

After that we went into the chocolate house and we bought some chocolates, being the chocolate lover that we are. As usual i grabbed all of the dark, bitter chocolates i could see. I couldn't remember what my sister bought now.

After that we continued going on the other rides, can't remember which we sat already.

The sad thing was it wasn't peak season so most of the popular rides were closed for maintenance, like the Cyclone, the Corkscrew, the Rolling Thunder Mine Train, etc.

I wanted to go for the Flume Ride but then my sister didn't wanted to get wet so we skipped that idea.

All in all, we had a pretty great time out in the theme park that day.

That night, we wanted to go cheong K (karaoke session) but our plan got cancelled. Cause the karaoke place was closed for renovation as well, Bummer!

Change of plans. So we decided to go to the pizza place in hops of grabbing some pizza and beers.

YET AGAIN, our plans got cancelled. Guess what? The pizza placed closed down and was no longer there. It was replaced by a restaurant called Bubbles & Bites.

The setting looked really cool plus they had all kinds of liquors (not that I'm an alcoholic or anything) and fancy dishes so we decided to have a go.

The waitresses there were all really friendly and the setting of the entire place was just perfect if you're looking for some place to chill with friends.

My sister and I decided to have a pizza and we each picked out our own liquor, I got the Apple Hooch and my sister got the Strawberry Storm.

 The menu.
Bubbly wines. Time to pop some bottles?

Our yummeh pizza!

 Our booze came chilled in a cute plastic ice bag!

Me, taking a sip of my drink.

Candid shot?

It's safe to say that we enjoyed our meal and had a great time there so the next time if you're up in Genting and just want to find a nice hang out place to chill with your friends over some food and liquor, you can try out Bubbles and Bites. It's located near the Good Friends Restaurant.

After dinner, we headed over to First World Plaza and walked around a little. Bought some stuff along the way though there really wasn't much to shop for.

I was up in Genting till Sunday but then if I were to blog about what we did on that day too, this blog post will end up being really, REALLY long anf then you guys would end up falling asleep.

So I'm just gonna end it here. Will blog about my shopping haul for the past couple of days with my family during the next blog post so stay tuned! :)


♥ what i cant live without