
May 13, 2010



Cause that's just wrong.

I've never ever thought of "Passing Judgement" as a serious matter, cause i've never experienced it first hand before.

Till a couple of days ago.

So i decided that i needed more $$ since i'm always on a shopping spree these days. (cute clothes everywhere, d*mn)

And i heard from my sis that this "place" (i won't disclose where) has a pretty good pay.

So i went for an interview.

Which sucked by the way. -____-

So the dude doing the interview, he's seen me around before.

Anyways, he started asking how come i haven't started schooling / college,
so i told him that i was still waiting for scholarship results.

And his reaction was like, "WHOA scholarship? Are you really that good?"

I gave him a death glare.

Then he continued by asking me how was my spm result, and i told him i got 10 A's (kicked 10 Asses, LOL)

And he was like, "WHOA Are you SERIOUS??REALLY?Are you Kidding me?"

I wanted to shove his butt up his retarded face but DIDN'T.

Kinda regretting that i didn't. Hrm :(

So here it goes, my rant:

i may like to dress up and put on make up, but that DOESN'T make me a Bimbo.
In fact, i despise bimbos (as much as i despise you)
If i didn't work HARD for exams i would have gotten Crappy results.
Now i'm not saying that i'm a Smart A** or that my results are Superb,
i'm just saying that i'm not the kind to Lazy around.
And i certainly am not the kind who only cares about dressing up.
I worked hard as a student and i certainly would work hard in my job.


You have no right to pass judgement on me.
NO ONE has the right to pass judgement on anyone else.

UNLESS you've fully understood someone, DON'T JUDGE THEM.

-that's all-


♥ what i cant live without