
June 25, 2011

simple pleasures

so it's saturday and a day when i finally , actually, woke up according to my alarm instead of hitting the 'off' button and get back to dreamland.

took a shower and somehow, felt REALLY hyper.

like a five year old kid high on sugar. (and i hadn't even had breakfast yet !)

this was a good sign.

i just sorta knew that today was gonna turn out to be a pretty good day. :)
(and turns out it was). :D

spent an hour plus doing my hair and make up and headed out with sis.

we met up with dad at some cafe place i never went to.

ordered chocolate milkshake cause' of the friggin hot weather.

after that we headed to a nearby mall and went shopping-crazy.

hit every store there was to hit, tried on shit-loads of clothes and bought ones that actually looked good on us.

sis bought this super cute high-waist pants that she'd been looking for ages.

and i found this blouse which had layers and all which was toooo cute.

after that we hit another mall which was pretty far away and bought ingredients needed to bake cookies.

we were like soldiers on a mission, trying to find every item on the list.

lucky us, we found all of em!

it's 'no plastic bag day' so thankfully we'd managed to pull out an eco-friendly bag from some corner of sis's car and i packed the goods in it.

we headed home, along the way i did a lil karaoke session of my own singing at the top of my lungs in sis's car.

aha i could swear i sounded pretty good :P

anyways, once at home, we began the baking !

that's a whole other story.

again, a hell lotta fun.

i guess today's been a great day.

another one of those days where i could recall back to ten years from now and laugh. 'HAHA'.

anyways, gotta grab my gamepad and play xbox with sis now.
soo tata guys ! :)


♥ what i cant live without