
February 20, 2010

Funny cats that don't go Meow

I think it was a few months back when there was this cat exhibition at the mall i was working at.

So my sis and i decided to check it out (as always). :DD

They placed (the exhibition organisers) the cages in a U shape so that people could see the cats while lined up and walking in a circle (or something like that == ).

There were so many people lined up to see the "fantastic" cats that my sis and i could barely catch a glimpse of any of the cats.

I only had the chance to take a coupla of pictures so here you go.

Look at this!
It's a must-look picture. XD
This cat is actually Charlie Chaplin...turned into a cat. :D
Eulala's Believe It Or Not :D

And this is Garfield...Aha.
And no..he's not sleeping :3
He's like the sneakiest cat ever,though!
Whenever i try to snap a shot of him, he closes his eyes!!
(Guess he doesn't like the flashes.) :D

anyways, i bought a really cute file at this exhibition but i didn't take a picure of it so i can't post it up here. D: Sadness.

But anyways, it's good to know that they are still so many good looking cats out there and hopefully we humans will NOT do any harm to them.

They're just innocent cute little creatures so stay away from them,baddies! :DD

-signing off, Eulala-


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