
April 29, 2010

broken hearts hurt more than broken bones.

i came across this picture on the net, and somehow it hit me, that those words could be so true.

i feel numb right now, and confused.

i'm not usually the emo kind, in fact, i'm the kind who try to distant myself from that kind.

but i can't help it, i've been feeling empty inside since our last fight.

i've always been the competitive kind, even when we fight, i would never back down, you were always the one to raise the white flag.

not this time though.

this time, i haven't heard from you since then.

where are you???

i laid in bed this morning, thinking.

thinking about what you said through the phone a couple of nights ago.

You asked me, would i cry if you,
if you left,
i choked a no, then laughed.

The truth was, i lied.



♥ what i cant live without