I bet EVERYONE of you out there has thought about getting one before.
I mean, tattoos are like "one of those things".
LOL if you get what i mean.
I've thought about getting one before.
But i, for one, CANNOT cope with PAIN.
I would NO DOUBT faint in the midst of getting one (if i EVER have the guts to, that is).
So, wanting a tattoo but not having the guts to get one,
i find myself doing ALOT of "Air brush" tattoos.
But, as usual, girls are strongly encouraged NOT to get tattoos done cause, well, it gives a Really bad image.
But no doubt some guys out there actually digs chicks with tatts.
Anyways, enough with my blabbermouth and ranting.
Today, imma give you a good REASON why we should NEVER get a tattoo.
Please kindly look below. :)
So before you decide to get a tattoo done in the future, just remember this poor guy.
-picture taken from
::written by :::Eulala
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