
January 16, 2010

Left 4 Dead 2, my cup of tea ☺

Thanks to a friend of mine (a.k.a mr wee lol), i recently became a MAJOR addict of the game, Left 4 Dead 2.

i mean, i havent played computer games in a while so im kinda clueless about whats the hottest pc games in town right now. But after Wee let me have a go at Left 4 Dead 2 on new year's eve night, i loved it right away.What an awesome way to kick off the new year. ^^

I have no idea why it comes to mind for most people that games like Left 4 Dead 2 were meant for guys only, Well, it ISN'T!

I know it's kinda weird for some people to think that a girl would actually enjoy seeing bloody zombies being blown up right in the head with the guts spilling and all but well, i'm that kind of girl.

I won't go into the gory details of the game (but if you wanna check it out you can always play the game yourself and enjoy the gore =D ), but you can pretty much tell that it (Left 4 Dead 2) isn't the kind of game for those with a weak stomach from the big guns and chainsaws(=D) the characters are carrying with 'em.

Im still a newbie at it, so when it comes to the part where you're supposed to choose a suitable gun to blow up the heads of the fellow zombies, i totally suck at it big time?! The guns i choose are always, well, slow, considering the fact that the zombies are always charging at you from nowhere and won't consider to stop for some snacks cause obviously I'm (the player) the snack.

...And the irritating part of the game is that my bullets always run out too soon (boohoo) -.- I know it's partly my fault for wasting 10(or more) on a single zombie when i could have blown up a couple more heads, but you can never be sure. LOL if you've watched Zombieland(the movie) then you'll get what i mean.

I hope you guys (and Girls!!) do have a go at this game too and hopefully find it as enjoyable as i do !!! =)

Have fun =D


♥ what i cant live without