
December 30, 2011

snow white.

Growing up, people frequently asked me this question, "Why do you have such fair skin?"

I've been asked that since middle school, through high school and even in college.

The truth is, i have no idea. LOL

I mean, you can say it's in my genes? But my dad's skin isn't exactly the super fair type, and my mom's skin is pretty tanned too.

Honestly, I wouldn't say that i have fair skin. I've seen WAY MORE girls with REALLY stunning 'snow white' skin and i envy them ! Yes, I JELLY.

Especially when i see celebs with those milky white skin tone on tv and i'd think to myself, is it even HUMANELY POSSIBLE to have such BEAUTIFUL SKIN?

To name a few,

Michelle Trachtenberg,  i guess you guys should know her from Buffy the tv series?

Nicole Kidman, i'm sure every one of you out there knows who she is.

Anne Hathaway, i remember her most for her role in Devil Wears Prada.

Yes, these celebs all have gorgeous milky fair skin. ( that i wish i had :C )

Anyways, people ALSO asked me HOW did i maintain my fair skin.

Since most Malaysian girls tend to be a little tanned as the sun shines all year round in Malaysia so yeah, you get what i mean.

Honestly, i didn't really care about maintaining my fair skin for the past few years.

I didn't really did anything to protect it (which is BAD !), i mean, i didn't wear long sleeved clothing intentionally when i go out just to avoid the sun, instead, i'm always in t shirts and singlets which expose my skin to the hot sun a lot. :O

And i didn't bother slopping on sunblock or lotion with super high SPF when i'm under the sun either. 

But then, i realized that if i don't protect my skin now, it's not gonna stay fair forever.

So while i was out shopping with my parents a few weeks back, i decided to buy Vaseline's healthy white triple lightening lotion.  

Didn't really had the time to use it until a few nights ago and now i'm applying it every night !

Here's how it looks like. :)

The first thing i noticed about it while applying it is that it smells super nice ! YES ! So you don't have to worry about smelling funny if you plan to apply it before heading out to meet friends and stuff.

ALSO, after application, it dries off super fast, so your skin won't feel sticky or oily. Cause i can never stand using lotions which make my skin feel sticky all over. It just isn't comfortable!  :O

Best of all, it helps maintain fair skin and , and ! Yes, there's more ! It even helps to lighten up your skin tone.

So i guess this is the closest answer i can give to your question.

I'll be applying this all the way till CNY so that i'll have milky fair skin to show off too. AHAH C:

Give it a try. :)

Last of all, before i log off, here's a picture of me on Christmas day, in my snow white dress. 

December 6, 2011

Breakfast and my naked face.

Dad's been saying lately that people who wakes up late in the morning has a greater tendency to get fat.


Cause i err, have been waking up around ten a lot lately so i take it that it's pretty late.

What daddy said kinda got to me so i asked my mom last night to wake me up this morning so that i could go out to have breakfast with them.

I felt like i was literally dragged out of bed this morning !
Couldn't have been more reluctant to get out of bed, but i did anyway. Since i was the one who asked my mom to wake me up.

I showered and got changed, wore just a T shirt and khaki shorts.

Wasn't in any mood to dress up.

And darn it, it took me a while to get my contacts in this morning. And it stung my eyes! Time to get a new pair i guess.

I didn't bother to put on ANY make up. Just wore contacts and that's it.

Which explains my naked face. :)

I guess it's good to allow my face to take a break from all those make up products, though i've been using fairly little of them lately.

Anyways, we went to this coffee shop called Lee's coffee shop, and i ordered Kolo Mee !

Yes ! i haven't ate it in a while !

I miss eating Kolo Mee for breakfast !

Too bad the stall that apparently sells the nice kolo mee was closed today so mommy went to another stall for my kolo mee.

But it tasted nice as well so no biggie!

My Kolo Mee ! Yum !

Oh yeah, and i ordered iced milo along with it. Which was a WRONG move i think cause shortly after that i had major tummy ache and mom says its probably cause i drank chilled drinks at this early hour.

After breakfast mommy sent me home and i got changed again.
Traded in my T shirt for a white singlet and a short pale yellow sweater.

I wanted to look more decent (LOL) cause i needed to drop by my college to collect my testimonial and my forecast results.

After ten minutes or so, we went out again and i got my stuff from the college.

Won't blog about the details since it's kinda boring anyways,

Oh yeah, i took a couple of pictures along the way in mom's car.

Braise yourselves since my naked face isn't really that good looking . HAHA,

That's all for now, are you still breathing? 

December 2, 2011

Popping bottles !

So I've only officially turned 19 a few days ago, which is of course already pass the legal drinking age of 18.

A year ago, or actually, 18 years of my life, i've never really touched alcohol since mom and dad kinda forbids me to hit the club scene and stuff.

And i don't really know how much alcohol i can really take before i pass out either, so yeah, i've been avoiding alcohol for a looong time.

However, ever since i went on the cruise with my family last year end, and had cocktails made of vodka, i gotta say, "NOW I FREAKIN' GET WHY PEOPLE OUT THERE ARE SO ADDICTED TO ALCOHOL!"

*found this online, **i do not own this.

Anyways, i strictly advice you all not to get addicted to alcohol, since, well, it never really is a good thing to be an alcoholic is it?

As much as i do love cocktails, 2 months ago, dad introduced me to a beer called Hoegaarden and damn i love it!

I usually try to stay away from beers since i can't really stand the bitter taste but Hoegaarden has actually a sweet taste to it.

**i do not own this.

I'm sure most beer fanatics out there probably have tried Hoegaarden ?
Well, for those of you who loves your beer and haven't tried it out yet, i highly recommend you to give it a try!

This was taken at the Rooftop Lounge @ G-Tower by my sister last week.

I actually look like crap in the picture but trust me, i wasn't drunk or tipsy at all ! Although i did drink the whole damn thing ! My sister, on the other hand, ordered a really nice looking cocktail, of which i have totally no idea what its called.

Here's my sister holding her cocktail like in an ad, photo taken by me. :D

The worst thing that could happen is developing a beer gut after drinking frequently, so drink wisely !

Gosh i sound like an old lady, but the most important thing is, to know how much you can hold your alcohol and try not to drink on a daily basis.

As "awesome" as alcohol, beers or cocktails are, your health will always be the most "awesome" part of you.

So don't pop that beer bottle unless you know what you're getting yourself into guys!

December 1, 2011

KL Trip , DAY ONE .

so i just got back from my trip to kuala lumpur 2 days ago,

i was exhausted and too lazy to blog which explains i'm only doing it today.

so since i spent a week there and so many crazy things happened, i could only try to blog about it one post per day since its gonna take me ages to fill you guys in on every detail in just one post.

let's start with day one, shall we?

DAY #1.
i arrived at the airport in my shades since it was goddamn sunny that morning and sis picked me up,
btw she was late due to the LRT she was boarding breaking down or something.

we took a bus from the airport to KL Sentral where we had breakfast at Burger King since i was starving and couldnt wait till we got back to her condo.

i can't remember which burger set i'd order but i do remember that the coke had a funny taste. :/

We then took the LRT back to the station near her condo and took a cab back to her condo. Oh yeah, the cab driver ate my one dollar ! damn. (i know, i know, it's just a dollar.) *makes a face*

i freshen up a bit in her condo since i was a little sweaty after rushing here and there. Yes, sweaty, EWWWW.

decided to pin up my bangs since they kept sticking to my facee.

Waited for my sister and her friend to get ready then we headed out, did i mention that my sister's condo actually looks pretty amazing?

the pool looks tempting but i didn't have the chance to go for a swim in it. :(

We went to Fahrenheit 88 cause my sister wants to take me to CEO to have k session.

**not taken by me. ( i do not own this picture).

Sadly, i forgot to bring along my student ID since i changed my purse before going on the trip and left it in my old purse. DAMN, so i had to be charged at a higher price and couldn't get the student price , (damn,damn,damn).

They brought us into our room and damn, it was really pretty ! AND did i mention spacey?

We went around 2 so they were having this tea time buffet thingy so my sister's friend, Angela, went out to grab some goodies.

AGAIN, the servings were really pretty !

We were allowed to sing till 7 which was crazy-long so we had plenty of time to sing to our heart's content.

i picked some new songs which i was familiar with and some old songs which sis and i usually pick when we're having our k session.

i played around with dad's new nikon camera that he'd lend me to use for the trip. it was awesome ! :D

taken with dad's nikon cam.

after 7, when our what seems to be a super long k session had finally ended, we went shopping.

We went into this shop called Mirrorcle , which had many cute clothes.
But i had planned to shop for clothes the next day so i decided to buy this REEEEALLY cute hand bag.

I cant post a picture of it here since i didn't bother to take any photos of it but i'll definitely post up a photo of it here once i use it. :)

Oh yeah and i bought my sister a really cute sailor style hair clip thingy.

After that we decided to head over to Sungei Wang to look around but most of the shops were closing already.


We then went for some snowflakes ! Yum !

here's what i ordered. :)

We then headed back since it was pretty hard to catch the bus home if we went back late.

i took a few pictures back at sister's condo but all of them were "fail" shots since my eyes looked dead in most of them, considering how sleepy and tired i was then.

i decided to head to bed early that night since i had planned to be up early for some serious shopping on Day Two. So, stay tuned for Day #2 's post ! ;D

November 18, 2011

first bite of freedom !

taken at secret recipe during lunch time today ;)

FINALLY ! a month ago, i was looking forward to this day ! and within the blink of an eye, it's finally here.

Had my final paper this morning. YES ! My A Level life have officially ended as off today !

1 1/2 years isn't really that long, but i had a good run.

Met new friends, had a feel of what college life was like, and undergo a hell lota stress in the process.

oh yeah, slept for barely 3 hours too last night.

But i guess it's all worth it !

Can't wait to enjoy my holidays !

And i finally got to learn the choreo to that song i wanted to dance to for soooo long.

absolutely love the choreo but i haven't really gotten the hang of it yet. will definitely practice more once i get back from my trip!

oh yeah, forgot to mention that i'm going on a trip next week!

part of my birthday plans and to catch 2PM live in MALAYSIA !

yeah will definitely blog bout that !

anyways, i hardly have any energy left in me so guess thats all. GTG !

November 14, 2011

slacker !

sei yeh ! i have NO idea why i'm totally not in the mood to study.
the last paper is on friday. i mean study my ass off for the last time, whats so hard right?

But my brain just won't tune into focus mode. i ended spending the day sleeping after having lunch with mommy.

after that when i woke up it was already dinner time so i had dinner.

i took out the books i 'planned' to study and actually did read through some notes... before i turned on my lappie and started sufring the net again. Damn.

anyways, i need to get back to studying, yes, actually getting some past year papers done so yeah, GTG.

surfing the web before i eventually decided to take a nap.

November 10, 2011

new changes !

okay ! so i'm updating my blog skin at 2+ in the morning !
i know, sounds crazy right?
guess i've literally gone insane.
anyways, should probably head to bed now. only a couple more hours till the sun rises.
night peeps.
i like my new blog skin btw, do you? :) ♡

June 25, 2011

simple pleasures

so it's saturday and a day when i finally , actually, woke up according to my alarm instead of hitting the 'off' button and get back to dreamland.

took a shower and somehow, felt REALLY hyper.

like a five year old kid high on sugar. (and i hadn't even had breakfast yet !)

this was a good sign.

i just sorta knew that today was gonna turn out to be a pretty good day. :)
(and turns out it was). :D

spent an hour plus doing my hair and make up and headed out with sis.

we met up with dad at some cafe place i never went to.

ordered chocolate milkshake cause' of the friggin hot weather.

after that we headed to a nearby mall and went shopping-crazy.

hit every store there was to hit, tried on shit-loads of clothes and bought ones that actually looked good on us.

sis bought this super cute high-waist pants that she'd been looking for ages.

and i found this blouse which had layers and all which was toooo cute.

after that we hit another mall which was pretty far away and bought ingredients needed to bake cookies.

we were like soldiers on a mission, trying to find every item on the list.

lucky us, we found all of em!

it's 'no plastic bag day' so thankfully we'd managed to pull out an eco-friendly bag from some corner of sis's car and i packed the goods in it.

we headed home, along the way i did a lil karaoke session of my own singing at the top of my lungs in sis's car.

aha i could swear i sounded pretty good :P

anyways, once at home, we began the baking !

that's a whole other story.

again, a hell lotta fun.

i guess today's been a great day.

another one of those days where i could recall back to ten years from now and laugh. 'HAHA'.

anyways, gotta grab my gamepad and play xbox with sis now.
soo tata guys ! :)

June 23, 2011

my distorted heart

lately, i feel like i've been drifting around like a zombie.

i feel like crap.

i literally don't know what i should do.
and the worst part is, i'm having relationship issues.

i mean, i'm not even 20, that should be the least of my problems.
people my age just don't get beaten up over those kinda things. :(

half of the time, i let my jealousy get the best of me.

and most of the time, i don't even show the slightest bit of being jealous.
'cause i just keep it all bottled up inside.

when i see him chatting with other girls, maybe it's just saying hi or something, it still bugs me.
i know i sound like a five year old, but , that's just me.

i mean, i'm sure it's normal for every guy to want to make friends with other girls.

huh... how do i say this?

it just makes me unhappy to see him calling other girls 'leng lui', wanting to get to know them and stuff like that,

and all this while, i had said nothing to him cause it's just not me to bring up things like that.

i pretend that everything's okay,

that nothing's wrong.
that i don't know a thing,

but with each scond that passes by,
i kinda die a little inside.

maybe it's me. (well, i think it's mostly me),

i mean, i shouldn't be sooo narrow minded.
i know how guys hate their girlfriends to control every part of their life,

and i've never tried to take control of his life except for maybe prohibiting him for drinking too much.

but, ugh,
i should just stop yepping and just try to fix this problem.

but, how do i start? :(

i guess i should just let him do what he wants.

 so i guess i will put this aside and TRY to act normal again.

but, can i ever?

June 7, 2011

i feel pretty/unpretty

so i first heard this song on 'Glee' the tv series and fell in love with it right away.
(can't recall which epi it's from though) :/
it has a really catchy melody and the words to the songs are meaningful too.

so i'm just posting the lyrics here to share it and also the video too so you guys could listen to how it goes.
it's really an amazing song.

and since i'm just done with exams maybe i'm gonna have a go at singing this song, though i'm not that good of a singer. :/ haha

oh yeah and its performed by Rachel Berry (Lea Michele) and Quinn Fabray (Dianna Agron) on 'Glee'.

I wish I could tie you up in my shoes make you feel unpretty too
I was told I was beautiful but what does that mean to you

Look into the mirror who’s inside there, the one with the long hair

Same old me again today heeaay

My outsides are cool my insides are blue

Everytime I think I'm through it’s because of you

I’ve tried different ways but it’s all the same

At the end of the day I have myself to blame

I’m just tripping


You can buy your hair if it won’t grow

You can fix your nose if he says so

You can buy all the make-up that mac can make

But if you can’t look inside you find out who am I to

Be in a position to make me feel so damn unpretty

I feel pretty, oh so pretty

I feel pretty and witty and bright

Never insecure until I met you now I’m being stupid

I used to be so cute to me just a little bit skinny

Why do I look to all these things to keep you happy

Maybe get rid of you and then I’ll get back to me heeey

My outsides look cool my insides are blue

Everytime I think I’m through it’s because of you

I’ve tried different ways but it’s all the same

At the end of the day I have myself to blame

Keep on tripping


You can buy your hair if it won’t grow

You can fix your nose if he says so

You can buy all the make-up that mac can make

But if, you can’t look inside you

Find out who am I to

Be in a position to make me feel so damn unpretty

I feel pretty, oh so pretty

I feel pretty and witty and bright

And I pity, any girl who isn't me tonight

Oh oh oh-oh ... tonight


(I feel pretty)

You can buy your hair if it won’t grow

(Oh so pretty)

You can fix your nose if he says so

(I feel pretty and witty and bright)

You can buy all the make-up that mac can make

But if you can’t look inside you

Find out who am I to

Be in a position to make me feel so damn unpretty

I feel pretty but unpretty

so ive taken these lyrics from .
so credits to them :)

April 16, 2011

there's no me without you.

It's just you and me

And there's no one around

Feels like I'm hanging by a thread

It's a long way down

I've been trying to breathe

But I'm fighting for air

I'm at an all time low

With no place to go

But you're always there

When everything falls apart

And it seems like the world

Is crashing at my feet

You like me the best

When I'm a mess

When I'm my own worst enemy

You make me feel beautiful.

When I have nothing left to prove

And I can't imagine

How I'd make it through

There's no me without you

No me without you.

You hear what I say

When I don't say a word

You are my rising sun

You're the place I run

You know how it hurts

When everything falls apart

And it seems like the world

Is crashing at my feet

You like me the best

When I'm a mess

When I'm my own worst enemy

You make me feel beautiful.

When I have nothing left to prove

And I can't imagine

How I'd make it through

There's no me without you

And when you say 'baby, it's gonna get better'

I believe you

And I wish that somehow I could see me

The way you do

With my imperfections

You think I'm perfect

When it's not easy

You make it worth it

When everything falls apart

And it seems like the world

Is crashing at my feet

You like me the best

When I'm a mess

When I'm my own worst enemy

You make me feel beautiful

When I have nothing left to prove

And I can't imagine

How I'd make it through

There's no me without you

No me without you.

April 13, 2011


just had my last paper today,
boy am i glad thats done and over with. but external exam's only a few weeks away.

short lived freedom. :(

anyways, whats worse, i've completely forgotten that i have mpw class tonight.
like what the hell.

cant even stay home and nap. ugh.

the only bright side's that i don't have class tmr.
which means i could wake up later than usual without the sound of my alarm bugging the crap out of me.

is it me or does it seem like i havent blogged in ages that i completely forgot how to?
'cause my mind's blank now even though i have like, a million things on my mind right now that i wanna blab it out here.

oh yeah, and i got a new laptop. yay. haha

haven't messed with it yet though. i'll prolly get my chance tmr, :D

anyways, guess thats all.
wanna grab a lil shut eye now.
nights :)

sweet dreams

lazy to post anything so i'm just gonna post the lyrics to my recent fav song.
(and yeah, i know i havent updated my blog in decades. :(

"sweet dreams" by marilyn manson, covered by emily browning.
heard it while watching suckerpunch. :)

the words to the song are kinda repetitve but it goes well with the eerie music. :)

Sweet Dreams lyrics

Songwriters: Lennox, Annie; Stewart, David Allan;

Sweet dreams are made of these

Who am I to disagree?

Travel the world and the seven seas

Everybody's looking for something

Some of them want to use you

Some of them want to get used by you

Some of them want to abuse you

Some of them want to be abused

Sweet dreams are made of these

Who am I to disagree?

Travel the world and the seven seas

Everybody's looking for something

Some of them want to use you

Some of them want to get used by you

Some of them want to abuse you

Some of them want to be abused

[ From: ]

I wanna use you and abuse you

I wanna know what's inside you

Movin' on, movin' on, movin' on

Movin' on, movin' on, movin' on, movin' on

Sweet dreams are made of these

Who am I to disagree?

Travel the world and the seven seas

Everybody's looking for something

Some of them want to use you

Some of them want to get used by you

Some of them want to abuse you

Some of them want to be abused

I'm gonna use you and abuse you

I'm gonna know what's inside

Gonna use you and abuse you

I'm gonna know what's inside you

January 11, 2011

Goodbye To You

Of all the things I believe in

I just want to get it over with

tears from behind my eyes

but I do not cry

Counting the days that past me by

I've been searching deep down in my soul

Words that I'm hearing are starting to get old

Looks like I'm starting all over again

The last three years were just pretend and I say

Goodbye to you

Goodbye to everything I thought I knew

You were the one I love

The one thing that I tried to hold on to

I still get lost in your eyes

And it seems like I can't live a day without you

Closing my eyes till you chase my thoughts away

To a place where I am blinded by the light but it's not right

Goodbye to you

Goodbye to everything I thought I knew

You were the one I loved

The one thing that I tried to hold on to

It hurts to want everything & nothing at the same time

I want whats yours and I want whats mine

I want you but I'm not giving in this time

Goodbye to you

Goodbye to everything I thought I knew

You were the one I loved

The one thing that I tried to hold on to

The one thing that I tried to hold on to

Goodbye to you

Goodbye to everything I thought I knew

You were the one I loved

The one thing that I tried to hold on to

We the stars fall and I lie awake

Your my shooting star

January 10, 2011

Sorry, he was the one. Not you.

when i first talked to you, i was just bored and wanted someone to chat with.

but then we got closer.

that night, when you asked me if i liked you.

i said 'Yes'.

well, it was a lie.

i guess when i started dating you,
it wasn't because of the fact that i really liked you.

it was because, i just wanted someone to be with just so i could "Try" to forget about him.

But i couldn't,
and i never will forget him.

Now that he's back,
and i realize how much he means to me,

you could never compare.

i hope you see this.
and understand.

we're back together now.

and all i want to do now is to concentrate on my studies and be with him.

because you were never really the one i cared about.

and you're right.

i'm better off without you. :)

sorry, A.S.

♥ what i cant live without